March 27, 2015

Ella has been doing well! She’s been eating more — chocolate milk is her new favorite this week — and her ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is 1130! (Doctors want it above 1000). It’s the first sign of her immune system making a comeback.

Ella is scheduled for another clinic visit on Tuesday. They’ll do a blood draw to recheck her counts and she’ll get her monthly antibiotic. And on Thursday, Ella will have her Hickman removed! So exciting. Ella and co. also moved to a new apartment this past week, so it’s been a bit of an adjustment. But Ella is full of energy and continues to be one crazy little chick. 





March 17, 2015

Sarah and Ella went to clinic today. Ella’s ANC is 650 — not very different from last week. Her oncologist says he isn’t worried about her immune system not coming back yet. It sounds like it’s just going to take a little more time. Children’s Mercy is still checking with other oncologists outside the Kansas City area to be sure this isn’t an issue that needs to be addressed. 

Ella’s still making progress, though. She is completely off her tube feeds and eating 100% on her own! She’s loving yogurt, Ritz crackers, corn dogs, broccoli, spaghetti, and chicken nuggets. 

Ella and co. are moving on Friday (staying in the KC area), so the boxes have invaded. Ella is loving it because she is using the boxes as play houses. (Forts are the best!) She has so much energy, too. Still so smart and as always, a ton of fun!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Ella, Sarah, & Joe!

March 11, 2015

Ella continues to eat better! (See the nom-ing below). Sarah and Joe have been able to give her fewer and fewer tube feeds. This week they stopped her feeds completely and are going to see how she eats and drinks. Hopefully her metabolism will kick in and they can be done with tube feeds forever!

Ella’s ANC is down to 630. It’s just a slight decline from last week, and her other counts are great. The docs are wondering why she’s taking so long to recover her counts, but Ella will determine when she’s ready to recover. Her weight is still the same as last week. 

AND, a little bit of hair is coming in on her head! (Photos below) So exciting! KEEP IT UP ELLA!

Fun Fact: Ella’s current favorite snack is jelly beans.