July 15, 2016

And, we are home! Sarah is feeling better and she was discharged this afternoon. Her pain is managed by Tylenol and ibuprofen, so that’s nice (no narcotics – Sarah is tough). Sarah’s only symptoms (and they’re doozies) are dizziness and a tingling sensation. Her dizziness comes and goes and is tolerable. Her tingling is due to her calcium levels being low. Her thyroid used to manage her calcium levels and now her body needs to “wake up” to take over the calcium regulation. Sarah is supplementing her calcium throughout the day and we are hoping to reduce the tingling. If we can’t control her plummeting calcium levels, Sarah could end up back in the hospital. Too low of calcium could ultimately lead to arrhythmias and seizures. Yeah, don’t want that. Sarah’s surgeon said that her calcium levels should stabilize sometime in the next 2 weeks. Still no word on the biopsy results. 

Baby Joey is still doing great. He is eating and sleeping well and is overall happy. We are blessed on many fronts. 

Thank you for the well wishes and prayers! God is so good! Saint Ella, pray for us!

July 13, 2016

Sarah’s surgery went great! The surgeon said that she thinks that the cancer did not spread and was isolated to the thyroid. So…..no more thyroid. The surgeon took some lymph nodes from around Sarah’s thyroid for biopsy, but she thought that they looked normal. We will hear the results from the biopsy in about 3 days, so maybe as late as Monday. Sarah rocked out her surgery and has battled some nausea, but is resting comfortably. Her pain is under control which is awesome. If Sarah’s blood work stays good (her electrolytes, specifically calcium, can get out of whack) and she has no swelling or bleeding, Sarah should be discharged tomorrow! I’ve included photos of baby Joey because no one wants to see photos of us anyways. Joey is doing great too! He eats about every three hours and sleeps pretty well. He’s super chill and snuggly. Joey even loves his baths!!! The hardest part of Sarah’s surgery? Being away from this sweet boy. 

Ella was undoubtedly with Sarah (right next to Jesus – Sarah’s Primary Physician) and her medical team today! I am confident that Sarah kicked cancer today! Thank you all for the sweet words and prayers. We will keep you updated. Saint Ella, pray for us!