April 21, 2015

Ella and co. are enjoying spring. Ella is looking healthy and LOVING spending time outside. She got to go to the zoo yesterday, but still needs to avoid crowds and wear a mask if avoiding groups of people is not an option. Generally if they go somewhere that isn’t too busy, they can find the low-traffic areas and keep to themselves. 

Ella is also now 100% “tubie” free! Joe recently removed her feeding tube and she is eating fine on her own. (Including her new fave ice cream flavor “Cookie Monster” — photo below). 

We are also happy to announce that Ella’s friend Malina, who she met at Children’s Mercy, is in remission. You can see more about Malina’s fight against Ewing’s Sarcoma HERE. Keep crushing it, Malina!










April 20, 2015

Thank you for your support, Illinois Rural Development!

March 25th was declared Positively Ella Day in the USDA State of Illinois Rural Development offices. Generous supporters from all over the state donated as well as purchased and wore Positively Ella shirts in support of Ella’s battle to crush Medulloblastoma. [See the awesome slideshow of their support here: Ella Support].

These thoughtful folks (Grandpa Bob’s coworkers) from USDA also sent a wonderful card and a very generous donation. Ella and co. cannot thank you all enough! Everyone was so touched by your incredibly thoughtful gesture. You all are incredible!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Ella, Sarah, & Joe

April 11, 2015

Ella is doing well! She seems to be OK with her “tubies” being gone. Either that, or she hasn’t noticed. She initially didn’t want to lose them when she first found out they were going to be removed. 

Ella finishes her antiviral medication on April 17th, which she receives 3 times a day through her NG tube. On the 18th, the NG tube will be removed and Ella will be “tubie” free! She will have to take an antibiotic orally three times a week, though, which she’ll take until early July.

Yesterday Ella got to go on a walk and met a little girl in the neighborhood. Ended up playing in the girl’s yard for 45 minutes. On today’s walk, she heard a garage door closing and said, “Momma, I hear elephants.” She’s also doing A LOT of singing. Sarah says she sings all the time. She definitely seems to be enjoying life outside the hospital. 





April 7, 2014

Ella’s Hickman is finally gone! It’s been in since July and was removed this morning. 

I’ll post more once I hear how she’s doing, but for now, enjoy some pics!